Programming Manual MSO/UPO2000 Series
7 / 156
Query returns the last error message, Query returns error message in the format of “<Message number>,
<Message content>. <Message number> is an integer; <Message content> is an ASCII character string with
double quotation marks.
Such as-113,"Undefined header; command cannot be found".
For example
Empty error message queue.
Query returns
-113,"Undefined header; command cannot be found".
Command format
:SYSTem:SETup <setup_data>
Functional description
This command is used to configure the system setting data. <setup_data> is conform to the Appendix 2
IEEE 488.2 binary data format.
Return format
Query returns the system setting data.
Command format
:SYSTem:LANGuage {
ENGLish |
SIMPlifiedchinese |
TRADitionalchinese }
Functional description
This command is used to set the system lanauage.
Return format
Query returns { ENGLish | SIMPlifiedchinese | TRADitionalchinese }
For example
Set the system language to English.
Query returns ENGLish.
Command format
:SYSTem:RTC <year>,<month>,<day>,<hour>,<minute>,<second>
Functional description
This command is used to set the system time.
Return format
Query returns year, month, date, hour, minute and second.
For example
:SYSTem:RTC 2017,7,7,20,8,8
Set the system time to 20:08:08, 7
, July, 2017.
Query returns 2017,7,7,20,8,8.