Programming Manual MSO/UPO2000 Series
81 / 156
This command is used to select bus decoding and trigger mode. FR representes FlexRay bus.
Return format
Query returns { RS232 | I2C | SPI | CAN | CANFD | LIN | FR }.
For example
Select I2C bus decoding mode.
Query returns I2C.
Command format
Functional description
This command is used to set bus display format of the oscilloscope.
Return format
Query returns {ASCII | BINary | HEX | DEC}.
For example
Set bus decoding to binary display format.
Query returns BINary.
Command format
:SBUS:EVENt { {1|ON} | {0|OFF} }
Functional description
This command is used to turn on/off bus event of the oscilloscope.
Return format
Query returns 1 or 0, it respectively represents ON or OFF.
For example
Turn on bus event.
Query returns 1.
Command format
Functional description
This command is used read the data of decoding event table of the oscilloscope.
Return format
Query returns the data of decoding event table, returned data is conform with
Appendix 2
IEEE 488.2 binary
data format.
For example