Programming Manual MSO/UPO2000 Series
71 / 156
Command format
:ACQuire:TYPE {NORMal | AVERage | PEAKdetect | ENVelope | HRESolution }
Functional description
This command is used to set sampling mode of the oscilloscope, which is NORMal, AVERage, PEAKdetect,
ENVelope and HRESolution.
Return format
Query returns {NORMal | AVERage | PEAKdetect | ENVelope | HRESolution }.
For example
Set sampling mode to AVERage.
Query returns AVERage.
Command format
Functional description
This command is used to set the number of average sampling mode, <count> stepped as Nth power of 2,
take value form 2~8192, 1≤N≤30.
Return format
Query returns the current number of average sampling mode.
For example
Set the number of average sampling mode to 32.
Query returns 32.
Command format
:ACQuire:MEMory:DEPTh { AUTO | 700 | 7K | 70K | 700K | 7M | 14M | 28M | 56M }
Functional description
This command is used to set storage depth of sampling mode, it will self-adapting according to the storage
depth of different mode.
Return format
Query returns { AUTO | 700 | 7K | 70K | 700K | 7M | 14M | 28M | 56M }.
For example
Set storage depth to AUTO.
Query returns AUTO.
DISPlay Command
This command is used to set or query the diplay function or data of the oscilloscope.