Z41 Pro / Lite / COM
Tecnical Support:
The general objects enabled by default are:
[General] Time
: 3-byte object for setting the internal time of the device, for
example, by linking it to a KNX clock. This object also allows read requests, so
the current time of the device can be checked. It is also automatically sent after
time changes made by the user from the screen itself.
although the DPT of this object considers a field for setting the day of the
week, Z41 Pro / Lite
/ COM calculates it from the date and therefore ignores that
[General] Date
3-byte object for setting the internal date of the device, for
example, by linking it to a KNX clock. This object also allows read requests, so
the current date of the device can be checked. It is also automatically sent after
date changes made by the user from the screen itself.
[General] Scene: Receive
[General] Scene: Send
: objects for respectively
receiving and sending scene values from/to the KNX bus whenever it is
necessary (e.g., when the user touches a button that has been configured to send
scene commands; see section
[General] Internal Temperature
: 2-byte object through which the value of the
current measurement of the built-in sensor will be sent to the bus, according to
the parameterisation (see section 3.2.10).
[General] Select Language
: 1 and 2-byte objects for changing the language
showed in the screen when receiving a value through the bus (see section 3.2.2)
[General] Illumination
: 1-bit object that, after the reception of the value
“1” from
the bus, will bring the backlight of the screen to the maximum level, while the
reception of the value
“0” will have no effect. This maximum illumination will last
for a certain time, according to the explanation in section 2.8.
[General] Touch Lock
: 1-bit object that, after
the reception of the value “1” from
the bus, will lock the touch panel so that user presses are ignored from that
moment. Touch locking will be interrupted as soon as the value
“0” is received
through this object. See section 3.2.9.
[Profile] Brightness
: 1-byte object for changing the screen brightness level
when receiving a value through the bus (1-100%).