Table 4.3. Flash Security Summary—C2 Permissions
Target Area for Read / Write / Erase
Permissions from C2 interface
Any Unlocked Page
[R] [W] [E]
Any Locked Page
Device Erase Only
Read-Only Area
Reserved Area
[R] = Read permitted
[W] = Write permitted
[E] = Erase permitted
Device Erase Only = No read, write, or individual page erase is allowed. Must erase entire flash space.
None = Read, write and erase are not permitted
4.3.2 Programming the Flash Memory
Writes to flash memory clear bits from logic 1 to logic 0 and can be performed on single byte locations. Flash erasures set bits back to
logic 1 and occur only on full pages. The write and erase operations are automatically timed by hardware for proper execution; data
polling to determine the end of the write/erase operation is not required. Code execution is stalled during a flash write/erase operation.
The simplest means of programming the flash memory is through the C2 interface using programming tools provided by Silicon Labs or
a third party vendor. Firmware may also be loaded into the device to implement code-loader functions or allow non-volatile data stor-
age. To ensure the integrity of flash contents, it is strongly recommended that the on-chip supply monitor be enabled in any system that
includes code that writes and/or erases flash memory from software. Flash Lock and Key Functions
Flash writes and erases by user software are protected with a lock and key function. The FLKEY register must be written with the cor-
rect key codes, in sequence, before flash operations may be performed. The key codes are 0xA5 and 0xF1. The timing does not mat-
ter, but the codes must be written in order. If the key codes are written out of order or the wrong codes are written, flash writes and
erases will be disabled until the next system reset. Flash writes and erases will also be disabled if a flash write or erase is attempted
before the key codes have been written properly. The flash lock resets after each write or erase; the key codes must be written again
before another flash write or erase operation can be performed. Flash Page Erase Procedure
The flash memory is erased one page at a time by firmware using the MOVX write instruction with the address targeted to any byte
within the page. Before erasing a page of flash memory, flash write and erase operations must be enabled by setting the PSWE and
PSEE bits in the PSCTL register to logic 1 (this directs the MOVX writes to target flash memory and enables page erasure) and writing
the flash key codes in sequence to the FLKEY register. The PSWE and PSEE bits remain set until cleared by firmware.
Erase operation applies to an entire page (setting all bytes in the page to 0xFF). To erase an entire page, perform the following steps:
1. Disable interrupts (recommended).
2. Write the first key code to FLKEY: 0xA5.
3. Write the second key code to FLKEY: 0xF1.
4. Set the PSEE bit (register PSCTL).
5. Set the PSWE bit (register PSCTL).
6. Using the MOVX instruction, write a data byte to any location within the page to be erased.
7. Clear the PSWE and PSEE bits.
EFM8UB3 Reference Manual
Flash Memory
| Building a more connected world.
Rev. 0.2 | 41