Examples of Operation
The following examples show how the iVu Command Channel can be utilized via the Industrial Ethernet connection.
Clear System Error
1. Write the number 81 as a 16-bit integer into the Command ID register.
2. Toggle the Command bit from 0 to 1 (bit 15 in the Input Bits/Input Coil Bits register).
3. Wait for the Command ACK flag to go from 0 to 1 (bit 15 in the Input Bits ACK/Input Coil Bits ACK register).
4. Verify that the Execution Error flag is not set (i.e. value should be 0). This is bit 15 in the Output Bits/Status Coil
Bits register. If the value is 1, read the Error Code register for more information.
5. Task Complete. Toggle the Command bit back to 0 (bit 15 in the Input Bits/Input Coil Bits register).
Get/Set Trigger Mode
Get the current Trigger Mode from the iVu Plus.
1. Write the number 10001 as a 16-bit integer into the Command ID register.
2. Toggle the Command bit from 0 to 1 (bit 15 in the Input Bits/Input Coil Bits register).
3. Wait for the Command ACK flag to go from 0 to 1 (bit 15 in the Input Bits ACK/Input Coil Bits ACK register).
4. Verify that the Execution Error flag is not set (i.e. value should be 0). This is bit 15 in the Output Bits/Status Coil
Bits register. If the value is 1, read the Error Code register for more information.
5. Task Complete. Toggle the Command bit back to 0 (bit 15 in the Input Bits/Input Coil Bits register). Read the
current Trigger Mode value in the Command Response Int16 register.
iVu model
Trigger Mode
Int16 value
Free Run
Industrial EtherNet Only
Continuous Scan
External Gated
Set the desired Trigger Mode for the iVu Plus:
1. Write the number 1 as a 16-bit integer into the Command ID register.
2. Write the desired Trigger Mode's Int16 value from the above table into the Command Parameter Int16 register.
3. Toggle the Command bit from 0 to 1 (bit 15 in the Input Bits/Input Coil Bits register).
4. Wait for the Command ACK flag to go from 0 to 1 (bit 15 in the Input Bits ACK/Input Coil Bits ACK register).
5. Verify that the Execution Error flag is not set (i.e. value should be 0). This is bit 15 in the Output Bits/Status Coil
Bits register. If the value is 1, read the Error Code register for more information.
6. Task Complete. Toggle the Command bit back to 0 (bit 15 in the Input Bits/Input Coil Bits register).
Get/Set Exposure Time
Get the current Exposure Time from the iVu Plus.
1. Write the number 10052 as a 16-bit integer into the Command ID register.
2. Toggle the Command bit from 0 to 1 (bit 15 in the Input Bits/Input Coil Bits register).
3. Wait for the Command ACK flag to go from 0 to 1 (bit 15 in the Input Bits ACK/Input Coil Bits ACK register).
4. Verify that the Execution Error flag is not set (i.e. value should be 0). This is bit 15 in the Output Bits/Status Coil
Bits register. If the value is 1, read the Error Code register for more information.
5. Task Complete. Toggle the Command bit back to 0 (bit 15 in the Input Bits/Input Coil Bits register). Read the
current Exposure Time value (in microseconds) in the Command Response Int32 register.
Set the desired Exposure Time for the iVu Plus.
1. Write the number 52 as a 16-bit integer into the Command ID register.
2. Write the desired Exposure Time (in microseconds) as a 32-bit integer value into the Command Parameter Int32
register. The minimum acceptable value is 117 usec and the maximum value is 1,000,000 usec.
3. Toggle the Command bit from 0 to 1 (bit 15 in the Input Bits/Input Coil Bits register).
4. Wait for the Command ACK flag to go from 0 to 1 (bit 15 in the Input Bits ACK/Input Coil Bits ACK register).
iVu Plus TG Gen2 Image Sensor
www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: 763.544.3164