Cryo-con Model 24C
Remote Programming Guide
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:DEAdband <dead-band>
Sets or queries the dead-band parameter. This controls the amount of
hysteresis that is applied before a relay is asserted or cleared. Parameter
<dead-band> is floating-point numeric and is in units of the controlling input
Sensor Calibration Curve Commands
The CALCUR commands are used to transfer sensor calibration curves between the
instrument and the host controller.
Curves are referenced by an index number. In the Model 24C, there are eight user
curves numbered 1 through 8.
The CALCUR data block consists of many lines of ASCII text. The format is the same
as the file format for user calibration curves, which is detailed in the section
Calibration Curve File Format
CALCUR <index>
Sets or queries sensor calibration curve data.
Uses a fragmented message protocol to sens many lines of ASCII text to the
Note: It is much easier to use Cryo-con's Utility Software to send and receive
sensor calibration curves.
The instrument takes about five seconds to process and store a
calibration curve. Please insert this time delay between transferring
sequential curves.
Sensor commands
Sensor commands are used to set and query information about the sensors installed
in the controller. Both factory and user installed sensors can be queried, but only user
sensors may be edited.
Factory installed sensors are indexed from 0 to 61. User
installed sensors have index values from 61 to 68 corresponding to
user curves 1 through 8. For additional information, refer to
Appendix A
SENSorix <index>:name "Name String"
Sets and queries the name string of the user-installed sensor at index
<index>. The name string can be up to 15 ASCII characters.
SENSorix <index>:NENTry?
Queries the number of entries in the user-installed sensor at index <index>.
Response is a decimal integer ranging from zero to 200.