Cryo-con Model 24C
Remote Programming Guide
Remote Command Descriptions
IEEE Common Commands
The *CLS common command clears the status data structures, including the
device error queue and the MAV (Message Available) bit.
The *ESE command sets the Standard Event Status Enable (ESE) Register
bits. The ESE Register contains a bit mask for the bits to be enabled in the
Standard Event Status (SEV) Register. A one in the ESE register enables the
corresponding bit in the SEV register. A zero disables the bit.
The *ESE? Query returns the current contents of the ESE register.
The *ESR query returns the contents of the Standard Event (SEV) status
The *OPC command causes the instrument to set the operation complete bit
in the Standard Event (SEV) status register when all pending device
operations have finished.
The *OPC Query places an ASCII ‘1’ in the output queue when all pending
device operations have completed.
The *IDN? Query causes the instrument to identify itself. The Model 24C will
return the following string:
Cryo-con, 24C,<serial number>,<firmware revision>
Where: <serial number> is the unit's serial number and <firmware revision> is
the revision level of the unit's firmware
Reset the controller. This results in a hardware reset in the Model 24C. The
reset sequence takes about 15 seconds to complete. During that time, the
instrument is not accessible over any remote interface.
The *RST command sets the Model 24C to it’s last power-up default setting.
The *SRE command sets the Status Byte Enable (SRE) Register bits. The
SRE Register contains a bit mask for the bits to be enabled in the Status Byte
(STB) Register. A one in the SRE register will enable the corresponding bit in
the STB register. A zero will disable the bit.
The *SRE? Query returns the current contents of the SRE register.
The *STB query returns the contents of the Status Byte Register.