Cryo-con Model 24C
Remote Programming Guide
An example of a sixteen entry PID Table is as follows:
PID Test 0
300.00 1.60 160.00 40.00 HI
280.00 1.50 150.00 30.00 HI
260.00 1.40 140.00 30.00 HI
240.00 1.30 130.00 30.00 HI
220.00 1.20 120.00 30.00 HI
200.00 1.10 110.00 20.00 HI
180.00 1.00 100.00 20.00 MID Default
160.00 0.90 90.00 20.00 MID Default
140.00 0.80 80.00 20.00 MID ChB
120.00 0.70 70.00 10.00 MID ChB
100.00 0.60 60.00 10.00 MID ChB
80.00 0.50 50.00 10.00 MID ChB
60.00 0.40 40.00 10.00 LOW ChA
40.00 0.30 30.00 0.00 LOW ChA
20.00 0.20 20.00 0.00 LOW ChA
10.00 0.10 10.00 0.00 LOW ChA
Entries may be sent to the controller in any order. Entries containing invalid numeric
fields will be deleted.
PIDTable? <index>
Queries the name string of a PID table at a specified index.
PIDTable <index>:NAMe "Name"
Sets or queries the name string of the PID Table at a specified index. The
name string is used to associate a convenient name with a PID table. It may
include up to 15 ASCII characters.
PIDTable <index>:NENTry?
Queries the number of entries in a PID Table. This number is generated from
the table itself and cannot be changed using this command.
PIDTable <index>:TABLe
Uploads or downloads a complete PID table. Transfer will end on a line
containing a single semi-colon.