Conversions and Interfaces
6-80 PEN*KEY
6200/6300 Hand-Held Computer Programmer’s Reference Guide
INT 15h, Function AX = 530Ah: Get Power Status
Returns the current power status of the system.
On Entry:
AH = 53h
AL = 0Ah
BX = 0001h (Device Power managed by APM BIOS)
On Return:
If successful:
Carry = 0
BH = AC line status
00h OffĆline
01h OnĆline
FFh Undefined
All other values reserved
BL = Battery status
00h High
01h Low
02h Critical
03h Charging
FFh Undefined
All other values reserved
CH = Battery flag:
Bit 0 = 1 (High)
Bit 1 = 1 (Low)
Bit 2 = 1 (Critical)
Bit 3 = 1 (Charging)
Bit 7 = 1 (No system battery or powerfail has occurred)
All other bits reserved
FFh = Undefined
(all other values reserved)
CL = Remaining battery life, percentage of charge
0ć100 = Percentage of full charge
FFh = Undefined
All other values reserved
DX = Remaining battery life
Bit 15 = Time units:
0 = seconds
1 = minutes
Bit 14ć0 = Number of seconds or minutes:
0ć7FFFh Valid number of seconds
0ć7FFEh Valid number of minutes
FFFFh = Undefined
If NOT successful:
Carry = 1
AH = Error code (09h Unrecognized device ID)
6. Conversions and