Programming examples
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 62
SENSe1:FREQuency:STOP 2.5 GHZ // Stop frequency
SOURce1:POWer1 0 DBM // Base power
// Define the mixer
SENSe1:FREQuency:CONVersion:MIXer:STAGes 1 // Single mixer stage
SENSe1:FREQuency:CONVersion:MIXer:RFPort 1 // RF port = Port 1
SENSe1:FREQuency:CONVersion:MIXer:FUND RF // RF @ channel frequency
SENSe1:FREQuency:CONVersion:MIXer:IFPort 2 // IF port = Port 2
SENSe1:FREQuency:CONVersion:MIXer:LOPort1 PORT,3 // LO1 port = Port 3
SENSe1:FREQuency:CONVersion:MIXer:FIXed LO1 // LO1 @ fixed frequency
SENSe1:FREQuency:CONVersion:MIXer:MFFixed LO1, 200 MHz // LO1 frequency
SOURce1:FREQuency:CONVersion:MIXer:PMFixed LO1, 7 DBM // LO power
SENSe1:FREQuency:CONVersion:MIXer:TFRequency UCON // IF = RF + LO
SENSe1:FREQuency:CONVersion MIXer // Activate mixer mode
// Perform an automatic SMARTerCal on ports 1, 2 and 3
SENSe1:CORRection:COLLect:PMETer:ID 1,1 // Power meter 1 @ port 1
//############ Connect VNA-ports 1,2,3 to Calu-ports 1,2,3
SENSe1:CORRection:COLLect:AUTO:PORTs:TYPE PFNPort, '', 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3
// The calibration is performed using the factory calibration
//############# Connect the powermeter to port 1
SENSe1:CORRection:COLLect:AUTO:POWer 1
// Perform source flatness cals on ports 1, 2 and 3
//############### Connect mixer: RF = port 1, IF = port 2, LO = port3
SOURce1:POWer1:CORRection:ACQuire PORT, 3 // Calibrate LO port
SOURce1:POWer1:CORRection:ACQuire PORT, 1 // Calibrate RF port
SOURce1:POWer1:CORRection:ACQuire PORT, 2 // Calibrate IF port
// Measure reflection at RF and IF ports
// Channel 1 with active trace 1 (= s21) already exists
// Trace 1 is displayed in diagram area 1
CONFigure:CHANnel1:NAME 'Ch_M' // Rename channel 1
CONFigure:CHANnel1:TRACe:REName 'Conv' // Rename trace 1
// Create and display trace 2 'RF_Refl' (S11)
CALCulate1:PARameter:SDEFine 'RF_Refl','S11' // Create trace 2
DISPlay:WINDow1:TRACe2:FEED 'RF_Refl' // --> diagram area 1
// Create and display trace 3 'IF_Refl' (S22)
Condensed programming examples