Edge Detection and Clock Domains
Using EDSEL in PRS_CHx_CTRL, edge detection can be applied to a PRS signal. When edge detection is enabled, changes in the
PRS input will result in a pulse on the PRS channel. This requires that the ASYNC bit in PRS_CHx_CTRL is cleared. Signals on the
PRS input must be at least one HFBUSCLK period wide in order to be detected properly. This applies to all cases when ASYNC is not
used in the PRS.
For communication between peripherals on different prescaled clocks (e.g. between peripherals on HFBUSCLK and HFPERCLK),
there are two options. For level signals, no action is needed, but software must make sure that the level signals are held long enough
for the destination domain to detect them. For pulse signals, edge detection should be enabled (by configuring EDSEL in
PRS_CHx_CTRL to positive edge, negative edge, or both) and STRETCH in PRS_CHx_CTRL should be set. When edge detection
and stretch are enabled on a PRS source, the output on the PRS channel is held long enough for the destination domain to detect the
pulse. This also works if there are multiple destination domains running at different frequencies. Configurable PRS Logic
Each PRS channel has three logic functions that can be used by themselves or in combination. The selected PRS source can be
AND'ed with the next PRS channel output, OR'ed with the previous PRS channel output and inverted. This is shown in
. The order of the functions is important. If OR and AND are enabled at the same time, AND is applied first, and
then OR.
Signals from
Figure 13.2. Configurable PRS Logic
In addition to the logic functions that can combine a PRS channel with one of its neighbors, a PRS channel can also select any other
PRS channel as input. This can allow relatively complex logic functions to be created.
13.3.2 Producers
Through SOURCESEL in PRS_CHx_CTRL, each PRS channel selects signal producers. Each producer outputs one or more signals
which can be selected by setting the SIGSEL field in PRS_CHx_CTRL. Setting the SOURCESEL bits to 0 (Off) leads to a constant 0
output from the input mux. An overview of the available producers can be found in the SOURCESEL and SIGSEL fields in
EFM32JG1 Reference Manual
PRS - Peripheral Reflex System
| Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.
Preliminary Rev. 0.6 | 336