The LFXO and LFRCO can be enabled and disabled by software via the CMU_OSCENCMD register. The WDOG can be configured to
force the LFXO or LFRCO to become (and remain) enabled when such an oscillator is selected as its clock source via the CLKSEL
bitfield in the WDOG_CTRL register while SWOSCBLOCK is set. In that case LFXODIS and LFRCODIS commands are blocked. They
are automatically disabled when entering EM3. Upon EM4 entry they are default turned off, but they can optionally be retained depend-
ing on the EMU_EM4CTRL configuration. Retaining of the LFXO or LFRCO in EM4 is needed if such an oscillator is required by a
specific peripheral in EM4. Retaining can also be used to guarantee quick oscillator availability after EM4 exit.
In order to support usage of LFRCO and LFXO in EM4, their settings are automatically latched upon EM4 entry. These settings remain
latched upon wake-up from EM4 to EM0 although the related registers (CMU_LFRCOCTRL, CMU_LFXOCTRL, CMU_LFECLKSEL,
CMU_LFECLKEN0 and CMU_LEEPRESC0) will have been reset. The registers can be rewritten by software, but they will only affect
the LFRCO and LFXO after unlatching their settings by setting EM4UNLATCH in the EMU_CMD register.
Turning off the LFRCO and LFXO upon EM4 Hibernate/Shutoff entry is most easily done by using the RETAINLFRCO and RETAINLF-
XO bitfields from the EMU_EM4CTRL register, which are default such that the LFRCO and LFXO are turned off automatically upon
EM4 Hibernate/Shutoff entry. Alternatively the LFRCO and LFXO can be disabled via the CMU_OSCENCMD register, in which case
software should wait for the oscillators to be properly disabled before executing the EM4 Hibernate/Shutoff entry routine.
After enabling the LFRCO (or LFXO), it should not be disabled before it has been signaled to be ready. Similarly, after disabling the
LFRCO (or LFXO), it should not be re-enabled before it has been signaled to be non-ready. Before entering EM4, software should
check that the LFRCO (or LFXO) is signaled to be ready before allowing or initiating the EM4 entry if that oscillator is required in EM4.
Also, to guarantee latching the latest settings, no control write should be ongoing upon EM4 entry as can be checked via the
CMU_SYNCBUSY register. Typical enable and disable sequences are as follows:
When the LFXO is disabled, the interface to the LFXTAL_N and LFXTAL_P pins are set in a high-Z state. The XTAL oscillations will not
stop immediately when LFXO is disabled, but typically die out gradually over some 100 ms. If the LFXO is enabled before XTAL oscilla-
tions have had time to reach zero amplitude, startup time can be significantly shorter.
The LFRCORDY and LFXORDY interrupts can be used to wake up the system from EM2 DeepSleep. In this way busy waiting for the
LFRCO or LFXO to become ready can be avoided by going into EM2 after enabling these oscillators and sleeping until the interrupt
causes a wakeup. ULFRCO
The ULFRCO is automatically enabled in EM0, EM1, EM2, EM3, and EM4H and cannot be controlled via CMU_OSCENCMD. It is auto-
matically disabled upon entering EM4S unless prevented by the configuration in EMU_EM4CTRL. HFRCO
The HFRCO can be enabled and disabled by software via the CMU_OSCENCMD register. The HFRCO is disabled automatically when
entering EM2, EM3, or EM4. Further hardware based enabling and disabling can be performed by the LEUART when using automatic
RX/TX DMA wakeup as controlled by the RXDMAWU and TXDMAWU bits in the LEUARTn_CTRL register. An automatic start and se-
lection of the HFXO will lead to an automatic HFRCO disabling.
EFM32JG1 Reference Manual
CMU - Clock Management Unit
| Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.
Preliminary Rev. 0.6 | 212