25. CRYPTO - Crypto Accelerator
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Quick Facts
A fast and energy efficient autonomous hardware
accelerator for AES encryption and decryption with
128- or 256-bit keys, ECC over prime and binary
Galois finite fields, SHA-1, SHA-224 and SHA-256.
Efficient cryptography with little or no CPU interven-
tion helps to meet the speed and energy demands of
the application. Hardware implementations are gen-
erally more secure against side-channel attacks than
software implementations.
Programmable sequences of instructions on big
numbers allow fast processing with little CPU inter-
25.1 Introduction
The CRYPTO module allows efficient acceleration of common cryptographic operations and allows these to be used efficiently with a
low CPU load. Operations performed by CRYPTO can be set up as a sequence of instructions on a set of 128-bit, 256-bit or 512-bit
registers to implement or accelerate Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, and various block cipher modes
based on the Advanced Encryption Standard, also known as AES (FIPS-197).
CRYPTO is capable of autonomously fetching data, performing cipher operations and storing data across multiple blocks. When the
source data is not a multiple of 16 bytes (128 bits), Zero-padding can be included in the last block. Block operations such as Counter
Mode (CTR), Electronic Code Book (ECB), Cipher Block Chaining (CBC), Cipher Feedback (CFB) and Output Feedback (OFB) are
easily implemented. Block Cipher modes of operation such as Electronic Code Book (ECB), Counter Mode (CTR), Cipher Block Chain-
ing (CBC), CBC-MAC (CBC Message Authentication Code), CCM, (Counter with CBC-MAC) and GCM (Galois Counter mode) are
easily implemented.
CRYPTO is delivered with an extensive software library in Simplicity Studio that implements all major cryptographic algorithms, includ-
ing but not limited to AES, SHA-1, SHA-2, ECC, and legacy algorithms DES, 3DES, MD4, MD5 and RC4. The implementation acceler-
ates the algorithms using CRYPTO when possible.
EFM32JG1 Reference Manual
CRYPTO - Crypto Accelerator
| Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.
Preliminary Rev. 0.6 | 817