21.3.7 Output to GPIO
The output from the comparator and the capacitive sense output are available as alternate functions to the GPIO pins. Set the ACMP-
PEN bit in ACMPn_ROUTE to enable the output to a pin and the LOCATION bits to select the output location. The GPIO-pin must also
be set as output. The output to the GPIO can be inverted by setting the GPIOINV bit in ACMPn_CTRL.
21.3.8 APORT Conflicts
The analog comparator connects to chip pins through APORT buses. It is possible that another APORT client is using a given APORT
bus. To help debugging over-utilization of APORT resources the ACMP provides a number of status registers. The ACMPn_APOR-
TREQ gives the user visibility into what APORT buses the ACMP is requesting given the setting of registers ACMPn_INPUTSEL and
ACMPn_CTRL. ACMPn_APORTCONFLICT indicates if any of the selections are in conflict, internally or externally.
For example, if the user selects APORT1XCH0 for POSSEL and APORT3XCH1 for NEGSEL, then bits APORT1XCONFLICT and
APORT3XCONFLICT would be 1 in register ACMPn_APORTCONFLICT, as it is illegal for POSSEL and NEGSEL to both select an X-
bus simultaneously.
If the user wishes the ACMP to monitor the same pin as another APORT client within the system, the ACMP can be configured to not
attempt to control the switches on an APORT bus via the fields APORTXMASTERDIS, APORTYMASTERDIS, and APORTVMASTER-
DIS in ACMPn_CTRL. APORTXMASTERDIS and APORTYMASTERDIS control if the X or Y bus selected via POSSEL or NEGESEL is
mastered or not. APORTVMASTERDIS controls if either the X or Y bus selection of VASEL is mastered or not. When bus mastering is
disabled, it is the other APORT client that determines which pin is connected to the APORT bus.
21.3.9 Supply Voltage Monitoring
The ACMP can be used to monitor supply voltages. The ACMP can select which voltage it uses via PWRSEL in ACMPn_CTRL. This
voltage can be selected for VADIV using VASEL=0 in ACMPn_INPUTSEL and divided to a voltage with the band-gap reference range
using DIVVA in registers ACMPn_HYSTERESIS0/1. The band-gap reference voltage can also be scaled via DIVVB in registers
ACMPn_HYSTERESIS0/1 to provide a voltage higher or lower than the scaled VA voltage for comparison.
21.4 Register Map
The offset register address is relative to the registers base address.
APORT Conflict Status Register
I/O Routing Pine Enable Register
EFM32JG1 Reference Manual
ACMP - Analog Comparator
| Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.
Preliminary Rev. 0.6 | 695