13. PRS - Peripheral Reflex System
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Quick Facts
The PRS (Peripheral Reflex System) allows configu-
rable, fast, and autonomous communication be-
tween peripherals.
Events and signals from one peripheral can be used
as input signals or triggers by other peripherals. Be-
sides reducing software overhead and thus current
consumption, this reduces latency and ensures pre-
dictable timing.
Without CPU intervention the peripherals can send
Reflex signals (both pulses and level) to each other
in single- or chained steps. The peripherals can be
set up to perform actions based on the incoming Re-
flex signals. This results in improved system per-
formance and reduced energy consumption.
13.1 Introduction
The Peripheral Reflex System (PRS) is a network allowing direct communication between different peripheral modules without involving
the CPU. Peripheral modules which send out Reflex signals are called producers. The PRS routes these reflex signals through reflex
channels to consumer peripherals which perform actions depending on the Reflex signals received. The format for the Reflex signals is
not given, but edge triggers and other functionality can be applied by the PRS.
13.2 Features
• 12 Configurable Reflex Channels
• Each channel can be connected to any producing peripheral, including the PRS channels
• Consumers can choose which channel to listen to
• Selectable edge detector (Rising, falling and both edges)
• Configurable AND and OR between channels
• Optional channel invert
• PRS can generate event to CPU
• Two independent DMA requests based on PRS channels
• Software controlled channel output
• Configurable level
• Triggered pulses
EFM32JG1 Reference Manual
PRS - Peripheral Reflex System
| Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.
Preliminary Rev. 0.6 | 334