R01UH0823EJ0100 Rev.1.00
Page 726 of 1823
Jul 31, 2019
RX23W Group
26. 8-Bit Timer (TMR)
8-Bit Timer (TMR)
This MCU has two units (unit 0, unit 1) of an on-chip 8-bit timer (TMR) module that comprise two 8-bit counter
channels, totaling four channels. The 8-bit timer module can be used to count external events and also be used as a multi-
function timer in a variety of applications, such as generation of counter reset signal, interrupt requests, and pulse output
with a desired duty cycle using a compare-match signal with two registers.
Unit 0 and unit 1 have the same functions, and can generate a baud rate clock for the SCI.
In this section, “PCLK” is used to refer to PCLKB.
lists the specifications of the TMR.
lists the TMR functions.
shows a block diagram of the 8-bit timer module (unit 0), and
shows that of the 8-bit timer
module (unit 1).
Note 1. For details, refer to section 33, Serial Communications Interface (SCIg, SCIh).
Table 26.1
Specifications of TMR
Count clock
Internal clock: PCLK/1, PCLK/2, PCLK/8, PCLK/32, PCLK/64, PCLK/1024,
External clock: external count clock
Number of channels
(8 bits × 2 channels) × 2 units
Compare match
8-bit mode (compare match A, compare match B)
16-bit mode (compare match A, compare match B)
Counter clear
Selected by compare match A or B, or an external counter reset signal.
Timer output
Output pulses with a desired duty cycle or PWM output
Cascading of two channels
16-bit count mode
16-bit timer using TMR0 for the upper 8 bits and TMR1 for the lower 8 bits
(TMR2 for the upper 8 bits and TMR3 for the lower 8 bits)
Compare match count mode
TMR1 can be used to count TMR0 compare matches (TMR3 can be used
to count TMR2 compare matches).
Interrupt sources
Compare match A, compare match B, and overflow
Event link function (Output)
Compare match A, compare match B, and overflow (TMR0, TMR2)
Event link function (Input)
One of the following three operations proceeds in response to an event
(1) Counting start operation (TMR0, TMR2)
(2) Event counting operation (TMR0, TMR2)
(3) Counting restart operation (TMR0, TMR2)
DTC activation
DTC can be activated by compare match A interrupts or compare match B
Capable of generating baud rate clock for SCI
Generates baud rate clock for SCI.*
Low power consumption function
Each unit can be placed in a module stop state