User’s Manual U12697EJ3V0UM
(1) 8-bit timer counters 5 and 6 (TM5, TM6)
TM5 and TM6 are 8-bit read-only registers that count the count pulses.
The counter is incremented synchronous to the rising edge of the count clock. When the count is read out during
operation, the count clock input temporarily stops and the count is read at that time. In the following cases, the
count becomes 00H.
<1> RESET is input.
<2> TCEn is cleared.
<3> TMn and CRn0 match in the clear and start mode.
Caution During the cascade connection, the count becomes 00H by clearing bit 7 (TCE5) of 8-bit timer
mode control register 5 (TMC5) and bit 7 (TCE6) of 8-bit timer mode control register 6 (TMC6).
n = 5, 6
(2) 8-bit compare registers 50 and 60 (CR50, CR60)
The value set in CR50 and CR60 are compared to the count in 8-bit timer counter 5 (TM5) and 8-bit timer counter
6 (TM6), respectively. If the two values match, interrupt requests (INTTM5, INTTM6) is generated (except in the
PWM mode).
The values of CR50 and CR60 can be set in the range of 00H to FFH, and can be written during counting.
Caution Be sure to stop the timer operation before setting data in cascade connection mode. To stop
the timer operation, clear both TCE5 of TMC5 and TCE6 of TMC6.