Remote Control Commands
User Manual 1178.3834.02 ─ 03
12.2 Programming Examples
The corresponding sections of the same title provide simple programming examples for
the R&S
SMA100B. The purpose of the examples is to present
commands for a
given task. In real applications, one would rather reduce the examples to an appropri-
ate subset of commands.
The programming examples have been tested with a software tool which provides an
environment for the development and execution of remote tests. To keep the examples
as simple as possible, only the "clean" SCPI syntax elements are reported. Non-exe-
cutable command lines (for example comments) start with two // characters.
At the beginning of the most remote control program, an instrument (p)reset is recom-
mended to set the R&S
SMA100B to a definite state. The commands
are equivalent for this purpose.
also resets the status registers
and clears the output buffer.
In all the examples we assume that:
A remote PC is connected to the instrument
The remote PC and the instrument are switched on
A connection between them is established
The security setting "System Config > Setup > Security > SCPI over LAN" is
12.3 Common Commands
Common commands are described in the IEEE 488.2 (IEC 625-2) standard. These
commands have the same effect and are employed in the same way on different devi-
ces. The headers of these commands consist of "*" followed by three letters. Many
common commands are related to the Status Reporting System.
Available common commands:
Common Commands