Memory Protection Unit (MPU)
MPC5510 Microcontroller Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1
Freescale Semiconductor
Bus Master ID 4 Write Enable. If set, this flag allows bus master ID 4 to perform write operations. If cleared, any
attempted write by bus master ID 4 terminates with an access error and the write is not performed.
Note: Bus Master 4 (EBI) is available for Factory Test only.
This be can be read and written to either a 0 or 1, but the MPU will behave as if this bit was permanently tied to 0,
so that the PID is not part of the region hit evaluation.
Bus Master ID 3 Supervisor Mode Access Control. This 2-bit field defines the access controls for bus master ID 3
when operating in supervisor mode. The M3SM field is defined as:
r, w, x =
read, write and execute allowed
r, –, x =
read and execute allowed, but no write
r, w, – =
read and write allowed, but no execute
11 Same access controls as that defined by M3UM for user mode
Bus Master ID 3 User Mode Access Control. This 3-bit field defines the access controls for bus master ID 3 when
operating in user mode. The M3UM field consists of three independent bits, enabling read, write and execute
. If set, the bit allows the given access type to occur; if cleared, an attempted access of that
mode may be terminated with an access error (if not allowed by any other descriptor) and the access not performed.
This bit can be read and written to either a 0 or 1, but the MPU will behave as if this bit was permanently tied to 0,
so that the PID is not part of the region hit evaluation.
Bus Master ID 2 Supervisor Mode Access Control. This 2-bit field defines the access controls for bus master ID 2
when operating in supervisor mode. The M2SM field is defined as:
r, w, x =
read, write and execute allowed
r, –, x =
read and execute allowed, but no write
r, w, – =
read and write allowed, but no execute
11 Same access controls as that defined by M2UM for user mode
Bus Master ID 2 User Mode Access Control. This 3-bit field defines the access controls for bus master ID 2 when
operating in user mode. The M2UM field consists of three independent bits, enabling read, write, and execute
. If set, the bit allows the given access type to occur; if cleared, an attempted access of that
mode may be terminated with an access error (if not allowed by any other descriptor) and the access not performed.
Bus Master ID 1 Process Identifier Enable. If set, this flag specifies that the process identifier and mask defined in
MPU_RGDn.Word3 are to be included in the region hit evaluation. If cleared, then the region hit evaluation does not
include the process identifier.
Bus Master ID 1 Supervisor Mode Access Control. This 2-bit field defines the access controls for bus master ID 1
when operating in supervisor mode. The M1SM field is defined as:
r, w, x =
read, write and execute allowed
r, –, x =
read and execute allowed, but no write
r, w, – =
read and write allowed, but no execute
11 Same access controls as that defined by M1UM for user mode
Bus Master ID 1 User Mode Access Control. This 3-bit field defines the access controls for bus master ID 1 when
operating in user mode. The M1UM field consists of three independent bits, enabling read, write, and execute
. If set, the bit allows the given access type to occur; if cleared, an attempted access of that
mode may be terminated with an access error (if not allowed by any other descriptor) and the access not performed.
Bus Master ID 0 Process Identifier Enable. If set, this flag specifies that the process identifier and mask defined in
MPU_RGDn.Word3 are to be included in the region hit evaluation. If cleared, the region hit evaluation does not
include the process identifier.
Table 17-7. MPU_RGDn.Word2 Field Descriptions (continued)