Flash Array and Control
MPC5510 Microcontroller Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1
Freescale Semiconductor
wait until MCR[DONE] = 1 before the module is suspended and further actions are attempted. After it is
suspended, the array may be read or a program sequence may be initiated (erase-suspended program).
Before initiating a program sequence the user must first clear MCR[EHV]. If a program sequence is
initiated, the value of the MCR[PEAS] is not reset. These values are fixed at the time of the first interlock
of the erase. Flash core reads from the blocks being erased while MCR[ESUS] = 1 return indeterminate
The erase operation is resumed by clearing the MCR[ESUS] bit. The flash continues the erase sequence
from one of a set of predefined points. This can extend the time required for the erase operation.
In an erase-suspended program, programming flash locations in blocks
which were being operated on in the erase may corrupt flash core data.